By Jobin Thomas Benoy
The literal meaning of gratitude is the quality of being thankful.
It is not easy to give thanks to the Lord at all times but this is an important thing that we must do in order to see God’s will being accomplished in our lives.
The 2 important reasons why we need to give thanks are :
1. It has great power to bring joy
2. It breaks the power of the enemy
Whenever we give thanks to the Lord, despite the difficult circumstances, the enemy looses a big battle in our lives.
Satan is defeated when we have a thankful heart because thankfulness during difficulty is a sacrifice pleasing to God.
There is no specific time as such for us to offer thanks to the Lord , psalmist David says at all times , as long as there is life in me I'll thank and praise Him for all that He has done.
The circumstances that we go through should never be a detrimental factor for us to give thanks to the Lord.
Paul tells to the Thessalonians, ( 1 Thessalonians 5:18 ) to give thanks in all circumstances for this is God’s will.
In scripture we read,
Miriam gave thanks, played the tambourine and danced in joy when they were saved from the Egyptians.
Hannah gave thanks to the Lord when God heard her prayers and was blessed with Samuel.
David gave thanks to the Lord after winning the battle against the Philistines.
Elizabeth, mother of John the Baptist was thankful to God that he took away her reproach.
Samaritan Leper after being healed came back to Jesus and thanked him.
On the flip side, when situations weren’t that great we see,
David praising and glorifying God during the time when his life was in danger and he was trying to flee and hide from King Saul
Paul rejoicing in the Lord when he was imprisoned for preaching the gospel.
In our day to day lives, we need to
1. Thank and praise God for everything we have, even if we are going through tough seasons then we will surely witness our troubles being turned into triumph.
2. Let us not complain about anything and instead let us give thank offering to the Lord.
3. Let us not compare ourselves with others because God knows what is best for us and when we do so it open doors of blessings.
May God Bless us with these words.